Monday, June 2, 2008

Match Making Service in the Park

Strolling through the park with my friend from HK was purely a coincidence. I was not expecting to see this:

I was surrounded by a mass of local elderly - there were like 100 or more of them crowding around one particular space in the park. At first, I was thinking if this was some tai chi gathering but was dumbfounded to realise it was actually a match making service. These elderly people are looking to match make their kids with other's sons or daughters.

There were a few small groups who sat together and discussed on the current match making issue and jotting down notes on their little book.

These unfortunate kids had their portfolio put up on bushes, hanged on strings or placed on the floor for the likes of myself to have a glance. The best bit is that they have pictures too!!! I love pictures...sometimes words just ain't enough.... pictures says so much more. Don't you think?

My next mission is to go again and advertise myself, will keep everyone updated!

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